8 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

Before Final Jurry; The concept of change

2 basal elements, will be determined by designer and at least 4 transformations of them in total (must in clude both bending and folding)
volume of 65.000 cm^3

The concept of Hierarchy is used here. Two big C groups have a hierarchical relations with A, B and B' respectively. I couldn't use the sticks effectively.

The Jurry Project

Design planar elements must be minimum 89.
Includes black,white and atleast two tones of grey.
Design should have key concepts,order,dominance,hierarchy etc.

I tried to make a contrast of voids with 45 degreed ones and the other ordinals. Some of my groups had common elements while being connected. I used a tone of gray to show that. Black voids are the contrasting ones and the other two tones for the general sizes of voids of the intermediate groups

Before Jurry

Design planar elements must be minimum 89.
Includes black,white and atleast two tones of grey.
Design should have key concepts,order,dominance,hierarchy etc.

I made this model for the critic to understand more of void concept. Altough I was lacking order and grouping this helped me a lot.

Exercise 6c Concept of Hierarchy

A minimum number of 67 2D elements which shuold include square,rectangle and isosceles right triangles.
The smallest unit of the measuring system should be 2,5 cm
Design should occupy a volume of approximately 27000cm3

After and big fat FD I understood what I wasn't suppose to do more. Main idea here is a single initial group is rotating while in every rotation gradually extending It's number of elements.
We were asked improve the model later and here it is the improved version.

Exercise 5c

11 square elements
19 rectangle elements
23 isosceles right triangles
The smallest unit of the measuring system should be 2,5 cm.

I tried to make an order in the laterals of the design and aother one in the center. In Lateral side elements starts being long rectengles and gradually shortens till it become a little square close to the center. In center, there is again this gradual changing but this time it is only size of a square.

New element: Parallelograms

A lot was said about the angles in perivious critics, that's why I tried to use that much diffrent angles.
Unfortunatelly, The angles were nt in an order and the design was lineer.

Exercise 4

5 planar elements of 9x9
9 planar elements of 6x9
11 isosceles right triangles with sides length 9cm

I didn't really had trouble  with the triangles in this work becouse I had no idea what their potencial was. I was trying to make more compact and stable design with groups only. After critics I realized I must respetect all of the elements.

Exercise 2

Given: 9x9 and 11 6x12  planar elements

I was grouping the elements but wasn't really thinking about the stability still. The work was falling apart while carriying.

Exercise 1

Given: 9 planar elements of 9x9 squares

I was trying to group the number and connect the groups with each other.
The structure was not stable since the design wan't compact and the slits are only on one element where 2 elements are connecting.

Junk Design

Given: Scrap Materials

I was asked to make a 3D abstract organization
I had no idea what they ment by abstrack and organization. I understood thet had nothing to do with what I made  after the critics.