28 Şubat 2017 Salı

Performing Topographies Step:2

After making the video's careography, we were asked to make another careography that will be design by ourselves by using the same movements in the video but changing the order of them.

I looked for the correct moves so that I would order them and the dancer could be able to ,respectively, walk straight, climb a wall, jump from a wall to another. walk on the wall and jump through the ceiling and finish after walking on there a little.

I have made some changes after the critics and the following photos belongs to the updated version.

After doing that we were again asked to show the movement of the dancer in another level of abstraction by using wooden or balsa sticks, cardboard and wires. I used wooden shapes to represent the single movements on asetats that I made before and connected them with thinner sticks to show the continuation between every motion. The shape of these shapes are arranged considering the bodies' current volume in the space. Thinner stick also shows the dancer's body position (straight, upside down etc.)

Yet again we were asked to develop our models in the class. I prepared a supportive structure so that the wooden model would be able to stand the same position that careogrphy model does in the space.

23 Şubat 2017 Perşembe

Performing Topographies Step:1

We were asked to watch the Aplle Airpods commercial video and make a 3D representation of the movement in video while considering the followings: motion, speed, form, movement patterns and sequences.

I first watch the whole video couple of times then started to get screenshots in regular time periods. Some screenshots took in regular periods:

then I made abstract drawing of theese body wieved screen shots. and draw them again aproperly to asetat with a marker. After preparing everything I placed the asetats onto a strafor which is indicating the topografy of the dance.

20 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi

Warm up Exercise

Asked: Design a representation of one of the following concepts. You can use materials readly available to you.
Key Concepts: Explosion, Continuity, Fragmentation, Deconstruction, Acceleration, Decenteralazition, Fludity, Encounter, Distortion, Hybridization.

I tried to use also my previous knowledge about organisation and voids with this new concept of EXPLOSİON. First I tried to understand what is explosion in a Design work and How could I represent it with using the groups, voids and other design elements.

I came up with a group that changes, in terms of 2 main elements' changing their sizes with streching, 2 times, In the end I had a group and its 2 alterations. with the triangular elements directive ability I tried to make those theree grups directing diffrent directions to show some kind of explosive attitude.