27 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

Reframing The View: The Specto Step:2

After making a proper panaromic view, the second part was to make an abstracction of the frames ithat we have chosen and their surroundings, including the sense of depth, farness and 60 degrees of cone of wiev.

My first trial was a tedrahedral-structure. It was shapeable and I was able to define both the surfaces with their farness and depth. Although, there was a problem about frames surrondings.

In the second trial I was questionning more about everthing for the designing procces.
How could I give the depth and farness at the same time?
How could I manage to achive frames?
ofcourse, fpr all these there should be a system provided.

I design a folded plate that fits all of my concerns and thinking to use it repetitively. Also, it will have the constructional qualities.

By changing the edge lenght of the quadrilateral I was able to give the depth and replacing some areas with transparent asetat paper I was able to show the frames. If  the frame is higher asetat paper is higher visa versa. the continuity of the frames when looked at the center of the design in 60 degrees is giving the total frame for the selected object.

An example of a frame

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