5 Mayıs 2017 Cuma

The Garden of Forking Paths Before the Final

orphisim ile ilgili görsel sonucuFirst we were asked to read story of the Garden of Forking Paths than we were assigned to make a topography from the one of the several paintings consist of abstracts shapes while having a main activity and its sub activities and creating the paths ways and relevant spaces My assigned painting was the following by Sonia Delunay who was influenced by orphism movement.

1 My first trial was to experiment what I can do with changing the heights and what could be the reflection of the 2d shapes in 3rd dimension. I was looking for a potensial event that could fit onto the future topography.

2 In my second trial I had more clear mind about the topography and the activities. The main activity was a sculpture exhibition in a marble quarry while, producing Marble and carving marble to a sculpture were the sub-activities. I created a quarry, a workshop and a garden for exhibition respectively and created resting areas for visitors of the exhibition. While the movement paths were sufficient and the circulation was good, the height diffrences were a lot and there was a confusion about the importance hierarchy.

3 A further trial was to simplify the paths and eleminate what I didn't really need problems there were still... But further level of abstraction. I ve also added a intervantion of paths to support the circulation over the topography according to the rules of the 2D painting.

There were problems using the element and putting them together In the topograpfhy, and after the juryy I was less likely to go through this way haha:D

4 In my fourth trial I made a little diffrent version then the beforehands. The surface was more continuous and much likely to be a topography I also have an intervantion to lead people in the exhibition area

After Thousands of critics and millions of models I figure out the hell is wrong with it.
These are the last rough models Now I'm starting to make the final version
I re considered  the activity I chosed and reviewed it. Now the topography is an Exhibition place and the sub activities going on are doing workshops and resting.

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