22 Ekim 2017 Pazar

Parthood: Landform and Structure

We were given one of the three topographies and asked to make a structure which has a strong relationship with the topography on them by using any of the design concepts including harmony, coherancy, hierarcy, dominance, contrast etc.


Draft model:

I split the topography according to its slopy characteristics into three main parts which were high slopy, mid slopy and low slopy. In order to express the slope characteristics, I extruded the high slopy area downwords and flattened the lower slopy area. Later, drawing the borderlines of this three main parts I assigned my axes and designed the structures accordingly.

here is some beforehand digital sketches:

Final Model:

This time I turn the given topography into and abstracted diagram form so that it became regulated allowing me to work with.

A structure skeleton and the final model

some details and my paper

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