22 Ekim 2017 Pazar

Parthood: Landform and Structure

We were given one of the three topographies and asked to make a structure which has a strong relationship with the topography on them by using any of the design concepts including harmony, coherancy, hierarcy, dominance, contrast etc.


Draft model:

I split the topography according to its slopy characteristics into three main parts which were high slopy, mid slopy and low slopy. In order to express the slope characteristics, I extruded the high slopy area downwords and flattened the lower slopy area. Later, drawing the borderlines of this three main parts I assigned my axes and designed the structures accordingly.

here is some beforehand digital sketches:

Final Model:

This time I turn the given topography into and abstracted diagram form so that it became regulated allowing me to work with.

A structure skeleton and the final model

some details and my paper

Parthood: Parts-Whole

We were given one of three Richard Miery's building in which I was assigned with Saltzman House.
We were to chose some elements of this building and use them in our own design.


The first model I ve done was a very ordered composition that makes good use of elements yet, It was in 2D.

Final model was more complex then the perivious one. Spaces were more defined and well abstracted.

19 Mayıs 2017 Cuma

The Garden of Forking Parths FINAL

Just started the final version. Tiring day but gonna worth it!


As it's seen the technique I use while constructing my final work was to cut the biggest single piece of material for the continuing surfaces and spaces. I tried to give the continuity with the single cardboard when the level diffrences are not saparated but following eachother or gradually changing. These are photos from the final work before I add the structures.

Before designing I ve struggled a lot with the 2D painting and tried to understand the ordering princibles and the rules beneath it. I ve found the ordering axes and the relationship between the circles. This is one of th drawings I made while working on the painting. I re-drew the painting several times and on each, I was more aware of what I'm looking at.
 Not only the processes and the activity I choose, while designing my paper I ve also wanted to show the details of my final work. I drew 2 perspective sections and two collauges supported with the human scale and tree figures in order to give information about the size and usage information of this place.

The system of the structures I used are directly related with the carving system of the cave in the topography so, all the semi open spaces have strong relation with eachother as it's seen on the paper.

The structural interventions was direcly related with the carved-space intervention in the means of its shape and construction technique. Besides this, the structure systems, the quality of spaces, the oppenning in the center of the design was also things that I wanted to show in my paper.
This is a photo from the final jurry.

5 Mayıs 2017 Cuma

The Garden of Forking Paths Before the Final

orphisim ile ilgili görsel sonucuFirst we were asked to read story of the Garden of Forking Paths than we were assigned to make a topography from the one of the several paintings consist of abstracts shapes while having a main activity and its sub activities and creating the paths ways and relevant spaces My assigned painting was the following by Sonia Delunay who was influenced by orphism movement.

1 My first trial was to experiment what I can do with changing the heights and what could be the reflection of the 2d shapes in 3rd dimension. I was looking for a potensial event that could fit onto the future topography.

2 In my second trial I had more clear mind about the topography and the activities. The main activity was a sculpture exhibition in a marble quarry while, producing Marble and carving marble to a sculpture were the sub-activities. I created a quarry, a workshop and a garden for exhibition respectively and created resting areas for visitors of the exhibition. While the movement paths were sufficient and the circulation was good, the height diffrences were a lot and there was a confusion about the importance hierarchy.

3 A further trial was to simplify the paths and eleminate what I didn't really need problems there were still... But further level of abstraction. I ve also added a intervantion of paths to support the circulation over the topography according to the rules of the 2D painting.

There were problems using the element and putting them together In the topograpfhy, and after the juryy I was less likely to go through this way haha:D

4 In my fourth trial I made a little diffrent version then the beforehands. The surface was more continuous and much likely to be a topography I also have an intervantion to lead people in the exhibition area

After Thousands of critics and millions of models I figure out the hell is wrong with it.
These are the last rough models Now I'm starting to make the final version
I re considered  the activity I chosed and reviewed it. Now the topography is an Exhibition place and the sub activities going on are doing workshops and resting.

19 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

Knots and flows

First we've wanted to see the diffrence between the two diffrent days but the same time, density of the following activities of walking, waiting and watching and counted the number of people passing from spesific points and calculated the avarage number of people passing throught these spesific points in 5 minutes. We draw our maps according to our experiment results. Here is the variety of maps we've prepared.

After preparing the maps we were asked to make a relief or 3d model to show the relatioship between various sights of a single or numerous events. We made a 3D abstract representation of the artificial environment and indicated the experiment results that could come together in a meanningful manner.


After the maps and the 3D model we were able to understand the relationship between environment and the human activities so that we were able to do the next step, adding an architectural intervantion with the techinique of folding. We ve considered the most popular places used for the activities, the light-shade contrast, walking and sitting paths and the relationship between the interval and its surroundings. That's what we came up with in the final model. The folded planes were able to give ligth inside with it's oppennings. So the sitting places won't be only shadowed or full of sunlight but would stay shady instead.


27 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

Reframing The View: The Specto Step:2

After making a proper panaromic view, the second part was to make an abstracction of the frames ithat we have chosen and their surroundings, including the sense of depth, farness and 60 degrees of cone of wiev.

My first trial was a tedrahedral-structure. It was shapeable and I was able to define both the surfaces with their farness and depth. Although, there was a problem about frames surrondings.

In the second trial I was questionning more about everthing for the designing procces.
How could I give the depth and farness at the same time?
How could I manage to achive frames?
ofcourse, fpr all these there should be a system provided.

I design a folded plate that fits all of my concerns and thinking to use it repetitively. Also, it will have the constructional qualities.

By changing the edge lenght of the quadrilateral I was able to give the depth and replacing some areas with transparent asetat paper I was able to show the frames. If  the frame is higher asetat paper is higher visa versa. the continuity of the frames when looked at the center of the design in 60 degrees is giving the total frame for the selected object.

An example of a frame